Scientists Find An Astonishing Fat Burning Exercise Perfect For Desk Workers
The average American spends close to 10 hours sitting every day, and with the pandemic fueling work from home culture, the sedentary lifestyle has only made that more pronounced. There is no dearth of research claiming that an execessively sedentary lifestyle, especially one that involves sitting for long hours on a stretch, is harmful for the heart and an open invitation to conditions like diabetes, metabolic issues, and severe back problems for folks already struggling with back issues. The solution is exercise, plain and simple, in any form possible.
Therefore, it doesn't come as a surpise that the demand for standing desks, or those attached to a treadmill, has gone up significantly. But it appears that there's a way to turbocharge the body's metabolic activities, all while sitting. The technique, from experts at the University of Houston, is essentially about hacking the calf muslces and tapping into their impressive metabolic potential, which has remained hidden so far. At the heart of the latest research is a technique called Soleus Pushup (SPU), which involves activating the soleus muscle in the calf region to ramp up metabolism with minimal physical effort.